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Firstly, the technology Life has arrived and we have found it very easy, and that is something we cannot deny, but there are many factors in this technological world that we do not know.

As, for example, is the origin of the word robot, the curiosity to know which technological companies have a favorite country to do tests.

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Also, what was the first page that appeared online?

Take a look in this post at some of these curiosities about technological products, the industry and also the people behind them.

Did you know that Mozilla Firefox's pet isn't a jerk?

Good, contrary to the dick name, the animal in the browser logo is a Red Panda.

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This mammal that is small in size is also known as “fire horn”.

And also, white spots on the face and red ones are regrettably in danger of extinction.

In this sense, despite not being a very well-known animal, the design responsible for creating the logo used the tracks of a zorro, generating such confusion.

Algunas curiosidades sobre el mundo de la tecnología
Some curiosities about the world of technology

This Firefox name is not the most alternative you will find for Firebird. which was the name initially chosen. , but it is used by another company.

Another interesting thing is that the word robot refers to forced labor, did you know?

The person responsible for this ending was the Czech writer, journalist and philosopher Karel Capek, who appeared in the successful theater work in 1920, called Rossum's Universal Robots.

In this sense, the work uses an advanced biotechnology company, producing mass workers.

These robots, despite producing various types of work that humans always wanted to avoid, have no soul and no type of feeling.

But as years go by, they have been dominated throughout the world.

Among so many curiosities, some technology companies have made tests and perfect products in a specific place in Nueva Zelanda, but why is there?

The reason is interesting, because the country that is in Oceania is sufficiently isolated to avoid any type of escape.

Furthermore, it has an economic power similar to that of Westerners and one of the other benefits is the population that speaks English.

Examples of companies that have used the New Zealand location for tests are Microsoft, Facebook and Yahoo.