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Look here for the best apps available to discover them baby sex and satiate your curiosity during embarazo.

We know that many people sueñan with tener children and when they discover this “positive” in the situation of embarrassment, the sensations are mixed.

Happiness with fear and uncertainty, provoking a mix of emotions for the papal.

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In addition to worrying about the health of our baby, we imagine what the color of eyes will be, by the skin.

And of course, here's the classic question: will it be a kid or a kid?

In this sense, this question is only taken by examination, from week 8 of embarazo, through an analysis of specific blood called Sexado Fetal.

There is no need for medical application, but there is an amount to be paid, between 260.00 and 850.00.

Some pharmacies have this exam available for a period ranging from 100.00 to 150.00.
Or from the 13th week of embarazo performed by ultrasound in the doctor's office.

Now, with all the technological advances, there are some apps available to know the sex of your baby.

You only have to download them on your cell phone and fill in your form.

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It is worth mentioning that none of the applications or websites replace the exams that we ask your doctor.

The app is not more than jokes, this information can only be approved by your trusted doctor with 100% warranty.

Check the most used ones.

Calculator for niños or niñas

Based on viejas creencias en el calendario chino de embarazo, this app claims that you can know about it baby sex.

Eso, in function of the age to the one that finds the mother and the close of its conception.

If you want to use this app, simply enter these values in the form.

This table, the famous Calendario Chino del Embarazo, is a very ancient oriental tradition that affirms baby sex even before your birth.

Uniting the values of the moment of conception and the lunar month in which the baby was conceived.

Babycenter- Sex calculator for babies

This app is, without a doubt, one of the most used, and you can follow all the development of the embarazo, the measures of the fetus, the weight and the development of the baby.

Descubre las apps para saber el sexo del bebé
Discover the apps to find out the baby's sex

With it, the mother receives several necessary and important daily information.

Both for your health and for your baby's health.

For example, the corporal changes, what will happen in the next few weeks and how to better adapt to this unique experience.

Account with a plan for the birth calendar, nutrition guide so you can have better control of your weight gain.

In addition to following up on progress, there was a more healthy embarrassment.

In this sense, Babycenter also counts with a calculator based on research. But as we know, it's just a joke to discover baby sex.

It is indicated to wait for the information that your doctor gives you in a guaranteed way.

Finally, we know that currently there are several apps and websites that provide a questionnaire, and that reveal the sex of your baby.

Questions like, if you dream with an animal, if your mood has fluctuated and what has your weight increased.

Also, read also:

Watch television on your cell phone: get to know the best apps.

Remote control applications: see which ones are the best.

Also, if your skin has darkened the most, if your skin has changed its appearance, your age, region of your abdomen is higher among others.

You can download the apps in Google Play Store O App Store.