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If you are one of those people who love to admire the skies on their starry nights, learn to observe stars and planets.

A star is a luminous celestial object.

Composed mainly of hydrogen and helium.

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Which generates energy through nuclear reactions in its core.

They are responsible for the light and heat we receive from our nearest star, the sun.

As well as all the other stars visible in the night sky.

Stars are labeled according to their temperature, size, mass and brightness.

They range in size from small red dwarfs.

To supermassive giants like Betelgeuse.

Stars can also be united into constellations and galaxies.

And its study is essential to understand the universe and how it evolved.

Unfortunately, you can't see stars on your phone.

Because the brightness of the stars is too faint to be captured by the phone camera.

However, there are astronomy tools available that can help you.

Identifying the stars and constellations in the night sky.

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With your phone's camera.

These apps often use your phone's location and time of day to display a representation of the night sky.

With information about the stars, planets and other celestial objects visible at that time and place.

Some examples of popular astronomy apps include SkyView, Star Chart, and Night Sky.

It's worth remembering to have a complete experience and actually see the stars.

You need to be in a place with little pollution and no clouds.

In addition to being a great opportunity to connect with nature.


SkyView is an astronomy application available for iOS and android.

Allows users to explore and identify stars, planets, constellations, satellites.

And other celestial bodies in the night sky.

The tool uses augmented reality technology.

To overlay information about what is being seen by the mobile device's camera.

Users can point the device at the sky and see the identified stars and planets in real time.
With detailed information about each celestial body.

SkyView also includes features like a real-time sky map.

A night mode to preserve night vision.

And a search function to find specific celestial objects.

It also offers information about astronomical events.

For example, like eclipses and meteor showers.

Cómo observar estrellas y planetas.
How to observe stars and planets.

The tool is paid.

But it offers a limited free version with basic features.

It is a useful tool for those interested in astronomy.

And it can be used by amateurs and professionals to learn more about the universe.

Star Chart

Star Chart is a mobile app that lets you explore and learn about the universe through an interactive sky map.

It uses augmented reality technology to overlay astronomical information onto the real world seen by the device's camera.

Allowing users to point their phones or tablets at the sky and identify stars, constellations, planets and other celestial objects.

The Star Chart includes a wide variety.

3D Star Maps:

The app uses accurate astronomical data to create an interactive map of the night sky that can be navigated and explored.

Augmented reality: by pointing the device's camera at the sky.

The application overlays astronomical information in real time.

Allowing users to identify stars and other celestial objects.

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Useful tool for students, amateur astronomers and space enthusiasts who want to explore and learn about the universe in an interactive and engaging way.

The application is available for download on devices iOS and android.