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There are several Apps to create Pix QR Code which simplifies life and everything in the palm of our hands and is very easy to use.

That is, if you use the Pix often, so you must have been through situations that ended up disappointing you, right?

Oh, you may have thought of one  app to create QR code pix to receive payments in a practical and fast way.

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To the tools came to simplify the process and improve our experience with the pix.

In a way, the digital age is incredible and know what to do Pix key QR codes It's very practical.

The tip is to research and choose a trustworthy app, seeing if it is safe and what they say in their reviews.

This way, you can make your operations smoother and safer, taking advantage of this facility.

Find out more how it works

O Pix is an immediate payment system created by Brazilian central bank.

Through it happens transfers and payments in real time, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

Its function is to help financial operations between people, public bodies and companies.

We can say that the pix arrived and ended up transforming payment methods in Brazil.

Everyone has already used pix ever and most Brazilians use it daily to make and receive payments.

So, to make life easier for those who receive payments via pix, we will show you how to benefit from some applications.

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These tools serve for create QR codes with the pix key so you can receive payments directly into your account and thus avoid errors and losses.

Do you know what is one Pix key QR code?

This code is the visual symbol of your key Pix, which can be chosen your email, CPF, telephone number or an uncertain key.

Apps para criar QR Code do Pix
Apps to create Pix QR Code

With the digitization of QR code, Anyone can make a payment directly to you, avoiding transaction errors.

Finally, we know today that wasting time making payments doesn't really please people on a daily basis, right?

In this sense, why a application to create Pix key QR codes becomes functional for our life.

See some now and choose yours!

Qr Plus

Pix Generator Qr Plus, it is a app what generates QR Codes of instant payments.

In other words, it would be the famous Vapt-Vupt, everything being very quick and easy.

Through this tool, you can create codes Pix to make your financial life easier, whether for work or personal use.

In this sense, access is on your cell phone screen, providing an efficient and safe way to carry out your banking transactions.

The app uses modern technology that guarantees the security of data entered into Generated QR Codes.

Furthermore, codes are made according to standards created by the Central bank.

However, this guarantees agreement with all applications banks that offer payments Pix.


The Recarga Play app is an app that helps you quickly and easily use the QR Code.

It is very popular, being widely used and well evaluated by consumers.

In other words, its numbers count with more than 10 million downloads on Google Play Store and more than 80 thousand reviews on App Store.

The tool makes life easier and everything in the palm of your hands.

With this app, create QR Codes for payment it is very easy, where you first download the application.

Then just go to “Receive values with Qr Code“, then choose the value to generate the code and then you will be receiving it.

It ends up being useful in several situations, being very safe and simplifying life, of course.

However, the app gives you speed and ease, being  RecargaPay  one of the most used, when it comes to the rush and lack of time in everyday life.

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The difference being a positive point of the app is the famous  cashback, which would be the accumulation of points that become discounts.

Finally, the user benefits by using the earnings for this amount to pay bills, make purchases and whatever they want.

Links to download:

QR Plus
