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Did you know that now it is possible measure blood pressure on the cellphone?

Yes, it seems like something from a distant future, but it is already possible.

All thanks to the technology geniuses who developed apps for this function.

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In this sense, they can greatly help those suffering from high blood pressure.

A large part of the population suffers from pressure high, also known as hypertension.

Therefore, it is important control pressure to prevent future heart problems. 

A survey carried out by IBGE in 2019 indicates that Brazil has around 38.1 million hypertensive people. 

Still according to the research, cases have been increasing since 2013 in the country.

Therefore, it is essential monitor pressure levels frequently.

This way, you avoid future complications and still carry out the treatment correctly.

And an easy and practical way to measure blood pressure is through mobile applications.

This way, you can record information and monitor data daily. 

Let's list some of these apps to make your daily routine easier. 

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This way, just choose your favorite and install it on your cell phone.

What is blood pressure?

Blood pressure is nothing more than the pressure that the blood has on the internal part of the arteries.

It is measured at the moment the blood passes through the arteries.

This pressure is defined by the heartbeat, which pumps blood throughout our body.

When the blood pressure presents altered values, it may indicate problems, such as hypertension. 

Blood pressure is made up of two numbers: systolic and diastolic.

The systolic is the pressure when the blood is pumped.

Diastolic is when the blood relaxes between beats.

The normal of pressure is that it is 12 by 8, as it is popularly known.

When this value reaches 14 out of 9, it is considered a case of hypertension.

Discover some apps to measure blood pressure

ICare Health Monitor

The app is available to system users iOS (iPhone) and android.

Aplicativos para medir a pressão arterial.
Applications to measure blood pressure.

The ICare Health Monitor is a application very effective for measure blood pressure.

With the app, you can measure blood pressure, heartbeat, oxygenation, among others.

All this, through the waves emitted by the pulse.

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Simulator of how you would look younger.

Very easy and practical.

Furthermore, the app also offers physical exercises, such as cardio, for example.

Just choose the option you want to use on the app screen and follow the steps indicated. 

You see the result in sequence.

This way, you can record your data blood pressure daily. 

Blood Pressure – SmartBP

The app can also be found for systems android and iOS (iPhone).

With it, you can monitor changes in your blood pressure and record the data.

You view information in graphs and statistics presented by time and date.

In addition, it also records systolic and diastolic pressure, pulse, weight and pulse pressure.

Finally, you can even export the generated data and send it by email.

Blood Pressure App

Lastly, we have the Blood Pressure app, also available for android and iOS (iPhone).

You can measure your pressure and also record the data entered.

This way, it is possible to send the data by email, through graphs and spreadsheets.

Furthermore, the app also notifies the user about the need for measure pressure daily.

However, it is important to highlight that these applications do not replace a consultation with a doctor or any medications already prescribed.

It is necessary to maintain routine appointments to monitor and take care of your health.