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Weigh products with app: You know when you're at the market with a bunch of things to buy?

And you keep thinking “Did I pay too much for this fruit?“.

Or “Is this package of meat worth it?” .

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Then comes the brilliant idea of weighing products using your cell phone!

It's like this: you download an app, open it, place the product on the market scale, take a photo of the barcode or type the name of the product, and that's it!

The app shows you the weight and price right away, as simple as that.

Think about the benefits... Firstly, you have total control over your expenses, with no surprises at the checkout.

You can compare prices from different brands and choose the most affordable one.

Not to mention that it helps to avoid waste, because you only buy the right amount you need.

And if there's a problem, like the price marked on the shelf doesn't match the price on the app, you can show it to the market staff right away, without any fuss!

And you know whats is most cool?

Several supermarkets are already adopting this idea, so just get there with your cell phone and check it out.

Once again technology makes life simpler.

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No need to wait in line at the scale, no stress.

Just weigh in, pay and that's it, just joy!

So, check out this brilliant idea that came to make our lives as consumers easier.

We list some most used options for weigh products by app:

Working Scale Free

Using the cell phone's accelerometer to measure the weight of any object placed on a surface rigid and flat.

You know when you feel like weighing things and don't have a scale at hand?

That's where the Working Scale Free, which turns your cell phone into a precision scale!

Like, you open the app, put what you want to weigh on your phone (yes, on your phone!), and it shows you the weight right away.

Veja como pesar produtos com app
See how to weigh products with the app

In other words, it is incredible and serves to measure from Ingredients of recipes to packages to send by mail.

It's like having a portable scale always on hand, without having to spend extra money.

It's a great help, right?

Precision Digital Scale

A Precision Digital Scale It's not just an ordinary scale, it's like the evolution of scales!

Just imagine, she weighs everything with absurd precision, like down to the last grain of salt.

Read too:

Did you know that it is possible to weigh cattle and other animals using your cell phone?

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And the coolest thing is that it's all digital, with a screen that shows the exact weight in large, legible numbers.

You can weigh everything from light things, like spices, to heavier objects, like packages to be sent.

It's like the dream scale for anyone who likes precision measurements, without fuss!

Mobile Digital Scale

Known for its simple interface, this app provides accurate and fast results.

Therefore, it is ideal for home or small business use.

Kitchen Scale 

For those who want to use the measuring scale on their cell phone in the kitchen, this is the ideal app.

Therefore, it was specially made to measure recipe ingredients accurately.

For example, the amount of flour or that pinch of salt.

Ultimately, if you want to Master Chef Someday, this app might help you.

Links to download:

Working Scale Free

Precision Digital Scale

Kitchen Scale