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How to weigh without needing a scale? This task may seem complicated, but there are some creative ways to estimate the weight of objects using just your senses and a few simple tricks.

Firstly, let's talk about the comparison technique.

You can take the object you want to weigh and compare it to something you already know the weight of.

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For example, if you know that a medium apple weighs about 150 grams, you can hold the apple in one hand and an unknown object in the other and try to balance the weight, easy right?

Another technique is visual estimation.

Look at the object and try to imagine how much it might weigh based on its size, density, and material.

Additionally, you can use the water displacement.

Fill a container with water to a certain point and then submerge the object in it, observing how much the water level rises.

This increase in water level can help estimate the volume and, in turn, the weight of the object.

However, it is important to remember that these techniques only provide estimates approximate and may not be accurate.

They are useful in situations where you don't have access to a scale, but need an approximate measurement of the weight of an object.

How about checking out some apps and learning How to weigh without needing a scale?

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Runtastic Balance

O Runtastic Balance is an app that helps you maintain a healthy and balanced diet.

It allows you to track your daily food intake, log your meals and snacks, and offers personalized tips and guidance based on your health goals.

Furthermore, the app has nutritional information about the food.

Como pesar sem precisar de balança?
How to weigh without needing a scale?

Including calories, macronutrients and micronutrients.

As Runtastic Balance, you can easily monitor your diet, helping you achieve your wellness and fitness goals.

ChiloApp Mobile Scale

Then the ChiloApp Mobile Scalel is a really cool app that turns your cell phone into a scale improvised.

You know when you're curious to know the weight of something, but you don't have a scale nearby?

That's where this app comes into action!

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Therefore, he uses the sensors from your cell phone to measure the weight of light objects, such as fruits, vegetables or anything you need to weigh quickly.

It's super practical and easy to use.

Just place the object on your phone screen and the app shows the approximate weight.

It's a handy tool for unexpected situations!

 Nutritionix Track 

O Nutritionix Track is an app for anyone who wants to monitor their diet easily.

It allows you to log your meals, snacks and even exercise, all in one place.

Furthermore, the app gives you detailed information about calories, nutrients and macros.

In other words, helping to maintain a balanced diet.

With simple-to-understand graphs and statistics, it's easier to track your progress and reach your health and fitness goals.

It's like having a nutritionist in your pocket, giving you a helping hand to eat better and feel good about yourself.

Links to download:

Runtastic Balance

ChiloApp Mobile Scalel

Nutritionix Track